01. Neighborhood Map Project Webcasts Intro

Neighborhood Map Project Webcasts Intro

Webcasts for the Neighborhood Map Project

Need some additional help getting started with the Neighborhood Map Project, or simply curious and want to learn a little bit more? Watch the following Webcasts!

These webcasts are recordings of live Q&A sessions and demos. They have been edited to be shorter and more relevant to newer rubrics. As always, you should read the appropriate rubric for your project thoroughly before you begin work on any project and double check the rubric before submitting. The videos were made by Udacity's coaches. Think of them as extra supplemental materials. You can find an archive of our webcasts in their entirety in the discussion forums under Webcasts Summaries.

Here you will find webcasts on the project rubric, general tips, advice on how to begin a completely new project, a walkthrough of the basics of Knockout.js and a video with various Q & A.

The webcasts for the Neighborhood Map Project include:

  1. About the Neighborhood Map Project Rubric and General Tips
  • 00:00 Rubric discussion
  • 20:55 General Tips
  1. Getting Started
  • 00:00 How to begin
  • 02:25 More tips on where to begin
  1. MVVM/Knockout.js tutorial walkthrough using JSFiddle
  2. Q & A
  • 00:00 Should all the locations be in the sidebar and model or depend on user input?
  • 01:35 Are both the list and markers a subset of the model and both set by search?
  • 03:25 Can we use jQuery ui widgets with Knockout?
  • 04:06 How to simulate an unreachable server using Chrome Dev Tools?

Happy Learning!